Our Work

Our Work Strategies and Ambition:

Apart from the performance and successes achieved by the bank, which are proceeding according to a deliberate strategy that is constantly being developed, our bank is keen to always be near its customers, following the policy of expanding its network of branches to provide its banking services, and branches will be opened in (Sulaymaniyah – Dohuk – Nineveh – Salahuddin – Kirkuk – Babylon – Muthanna) and other areas of Baghdad, as he relied in his career on:

It rely in its career on:
  • Knowing its limits in facing competition and understand current & future trends in the field of technology and customer business.
  • Clarity, flexibility and staying away of routine & bureaucracy.
  • Working on the basis of one team with outstanding leadership.
  • Free information flow among work groups.
  • Motivate employees in a modern way.
  • Committing to quality management standards according to Central Bank requirements.